Monday, June 30, 2008

Regensberg, Germany

Our Summer officially began June 19th. We immediately left for our planned driving tour. We visited Regensberg, Germany, Vienna, Austria, Prague, CZ and finally Berlin, Germany. We shopped, met new and old friends, and indulged in the local delicacies.

We took the ferry across from Denmark to Germany.

We stayed at the Park Hotel Maximillan.

A sightseeing bus tour through Regensberg.

Church arches.

Salzstadel Cafe, famous for their sausage plates.

A mock funeral. After the ceremony, the box was opened and a picnic lunch began.

An interesting custom:
Upcoming Brides were walking with their bridesmaids holding shoeboxes. A one euro purchase of a wrapped item went towards the purchase of the Brides wedding shoes.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


We stayed at the Hotel Rat Haus Wine & Design.

Enjoying breakfast.

Euro Cup Soccer 2008.

Rain soaked with the Newman's and Furrow's.

Kathy Newman, Karla Furrow, Ann, and Kimberly.

Visiting Andy and Ann's with the Newmans and Furrows.

One mode of transportation....